Province: Lao Cai

City/District: Lao Cai

Business: Industry

Field: Construction Materials

Status: Active


City: Lao Cai

Field: Industry

Status: Active

Finish: 2011

Construction Materials

Taking advantage of raw materials on sites, Nam Tien Group also invests in manufacturing for construction materials such as non-baked bricks, self-inserted bricks, all kinds of tiles, cement, concrete and products from cement and plaster, etc. It is easy for Nam Tien to actively manage the capital and raw material management and also support other existing fields.
VinaFuji Cement Factory, formerly known as Cam Duong factory, started cement production in November 2011. The factory is currently supplying two cement products to the market, PCB30 and PCB40 (bagged cement and bulk cement) under the brand name VINAFUJI cement. The factory’s capacity reaches 90,000 tons of cement per year. Additionally, Nam Tien also invested in a factory of brick to directly supply to projects invested by the Group in order to save costs and ensure the quality of projects.

City: Lao Cai

Field: Industry

Status: Active

Finish: 2011

Construction materials

Taking advantage of raw materials on sites, Nam Tien Group also invests in manufacturing for construction materials such as non-baked bricks, self-inserted bricks, all kinds of tiles, cement, concrete and products from cement and plaster, etc. It is easy for Nam Tien to actively manage the capital and raw material management and also support other existing fields.
VinaFuji Cement Factory, formerly known as Cam Duong factory, started cement production in November 2011. The factory is currently supplying two cement products to the market, PCB30 and PCB40 (bagged cement and bulk cement) under the brand name VINAFUJI cement. The factory’s capacity reaches 90,000 tons of cement per year. Additionally, Nam Tien also invested in a factory of brick to directly supply to projects invested by the Group in order to save costs and ensure the quality of projects.